Feature images are commonly used for blog posts, including on this blog. We can use our screenshots or photos or stock photos (ideally license free or with an open license) from sites like Flickr, Unsplash, or Pexels. More recently, we can also use artificial intelligence tools such as DALL·E 2 that generate images from a description in natural language.
As today is the launch of the first NASA mission to the moon in fifty years, it seems appropriate to commemorate that historic event with a feature image showing a rocket, in this case with a garden gnome in the style of a Picasso painting generated by DALL·E 2. I've added about a dozen feature images to this blog with various motives and styles all generated DALL·E 2. The only thing they have in common is that they feature a garden gnome with an umbrella. Try to find them and tell me in the comments which one you like best.