An easy online list of all your publications

There are many reasons to list all your publications online. Maybe you are looking for a new job or want to attract students to start their PhD in your lab. Usually you find this information on the home page of your laboratory or department, but several tools can automate this process.

Nature Network

You can list your publications in your Nature Network profile. Simply add the DOI or Pubmed ID in the form provided. (Some of) my publications are listed here.


Facebook has a similar feature for those unfortunate souls not yet on Nature Network. Use the Facebook application Medline Publications.

Google Scholar

Only Facebook members can see your Medline publications. But everybody can use Google Scholar. My publications are listed here.


Why not use the original? Use the search term “Fenner MH”[Author]. My publications are listed here.


Searches in Google Scholar and Pubmed search by name. This means that the links above don't work if your name is not unique. Scopus uses a unique author ID to overcome these problems. My author ID: 7006600833 and 7006600825. If you have more than one author ID (as in my case), you can ask Scopus to merge them together into one author ID. Scopus also provides an API to create mashups with other data. One example is this mashup with Google Maps that shows a map of the most highly cited papers by subject area. The problem with Scopus? You have to sign up for a user account to use Scopus.


The new kid on the block. ResearcherID is currently only available to ISI Web of Knowledge users, for all others it is invitation only. But everybody can access your publications. My researcherID is A-7225-2008 and the list of my publications can be found here.

The problem with ResearcherID? ResearcherID is tightly integrated with other Thomson Scientific products. You need a ISI Web of Knowledge account to add papers, Or you can import your citations from a RIS file, a file format from the Thomson Scientific Reference Manager.

As you can see, all these tools have their shortcomings. Pubmed and Google Scholar fall short, because searching by name just doesn't work. Scopus and ResearcherID are nice and provide additional features, e.g. the Hirsch number or citations of your papers. But the commercial interests of Elsevier and Thomson Scientific have introduced important limitations.

So for the time being, the best tool is Nature Network. And there is great potential for improvements, e.g. integration with Connotea or linking to coauthors that are also Nature Network members.

In related news, Ian Mulvany today announced on his Nature Network blog that Connotea is now OpenID enabled.