Practically all papers in high-energy physics (> 90% since the late 1990s) are first published on the ArXiv preprint server. Several related disciplines also have a long ArXiv tradition. But ArXiv is also an excellent source of interesting papers about scientific publishing, including this one from last Monday:
Dallmeier-Tiessen S, Darby R, Goerner B, Hyppoelae J, Igo-Kemenes P, Kahn D, et al. First results of the SOAP project. Open access publishing in 2010. 2010 Oct; Available from:
The paper is a comprehensive report on the current state of open access publishing – and deserves a separate blog post. Salvatore Mele (one of the coauthors) pointed me to this paper in a very interesting dinner conversation last night. Follow the Gobbledygook reading list for more interesting ArXiv papers, including a gem from 2009 on the citation behavior in high-energy physics.
Dallmeier-Tiessen, S., Darby, R., Goerner, B., Hyppoelae, J., Igo-Kemenes, P., Kahn, D., Lambert, S., Lengenfelder, A., Leonard, C., Mele, S., Polydoratou, P., Ross, D., Ruiz-Perez, S., Schimmer, R., Swaisland, M., & van der Stelt, W. (2010). First results of the SOAP project. Open access publishing in 2010.
Gentil-Beccot, A., Mele, S., & Brooks, T. (2009). Citing and Reading Behaviours in High-Energy Physics. How a Community Stopped Worrying about Journals and Learned to Love Repositories.