This week we relaunched DataCite Search, providing a more user-friendly search interface for DataCite metadata. We also added functionality that was not available before.
The new search uses a single entry box for queries, and filters by resource type, publication year and data center. A new Cite button will generate a citation in several popular citation styles, and in BibTeX and RIS import formats. Users who sign in using their ORCID credentials can add works to their ORCID record using the DataCite Search and Link service, and will find a menu shortcut to a page with all DataCite DOIs associated with their ORCID ID.
In addition to information about works, DataCite Search also allows queries for contributors, data centers, and members, and the works associated with them. Information from the DataCite Event Data service is included in the search results where available, and can be specifically looked up via the Services tab.

In contrast to the previous search user interface the new search is not using the Solr Search API directly, but rather the new DataCite API available at This API uses the Solr Search API for metadata stored in the DataCite MDS, but also pulls in information from other services, including Event Data and Profiles (the latter for information about members). Going forward we plan to add addition information to the DataCite API, e.g. from
The software that is providing the search frontend was originally written by Crossref and is also powering the Crossref Metadata Search. As all DataCite software the code is available as open source software.
The search has been running as Labs Search since last August and many users have provided valuable feedback. The old search user interface is still available at
This blog post was originally published on the DataCite Blog.