The science blog archive Rogue Scholar was relaunched on the InvenioRDM repository platform last week. While there is still a lot of migration work to do in the coming months, this is a good time to start the Rogue Scholar 111 Pledge Drive today.
The name for the drive not only comes from today's date but also wants to focus on a category of science blogs that are particularly worth preserving in Rogue Scholar:
- Single-author blog posts
- The blog has been published for at least 10 years
- The blog has published at least 100 posts
The pledge drive has three parts.
Donations to Rogue Scholar
You can donate to Rogue Scholar by using the Donate link in the footer of every Rogue Scholar page. Rogue Scholar is a Diamond Open Access infrastructure free to readers and authors and needs continuous financial support. Both monthly and one-time donations of any amount are appreciated, and you can also send an email if you have questions or prefer not to use the ko-fi service for your donation.
Submit your blog to Rogue Scholar
If your blog fits the 111 category and you want it to be included in Rogue Scholar, use the Register Your Blog link in the footer of every Rogue Scholar page. The registration involves a lightweight screening step and usually takes no longer than two business days. There is no cost for your blog and the registered content is made freely available immediately under a Creative Commons CC-BY license. If you know a science blog you want to see included in Rogue Scholar, share the registration link with the blog author or reach out via email or Fediverse.
Write a blog post about Rogue Scholar
If you have donated to Rogue Scholar and/or submitted your blog, you can still contribute: write about Rogue Scholar. This could be anything: practical, critical, funny, or even poetry. If your blog is part of Rogue Scholar, I will include the post in the new Rogue Scholar community.

November 11 is also a special date for me. It is my name day (Martinmas) and as a child, I would often celebrate my birthday on this day, as my actual birthday between Christmas and New Year's Eve was not a good date for children's parties.
- Fenner, M. (2024, November 4). Rogue Scholar gets a facelift. Front Matter.
- Fenner, M. (2009, February 19). Papers for iPhone released – time for more poetry. Front Matter.