With an update launched yesterday, all blogs that participate in the Rogue Scholar science blog archive are now searchable by blog title, description, language, blogging platform, category (scientific field using the OECD Fields of Science and Technology), and ISSN. With the growing number of participating blogs (66 as of today) the new search functionality makes it easier to find a specific blog compared to the previous single page listing all blogs in alphabetical order.

The search functionality uses the same user interface as the blog posts search. In addition to searching for specific strings, you can also click on the tags associated with each blog to find all blogs covering a specific subject area and/or blogs hosted by a specific blogging platform, or filter blogs by language (using the language set it in the upper right corner of all Rogue Scholar pages). The blog title and description comes from the blog authors and is currently not curated by Rogue Scholar staff. Several blogs have an ISSN, and you can of course also search for it.

The above changes have also been implemented in the Rogue Scholar API if you prefer to interact with Rogue Scholar programmatically.

Together with the blog search functionality, I made a small change to the Rogue Scholar navigation. The default page for Rogue Scholar is now the blog posts search, showing the most recent posts unless you search for something specific. You now find information about Rogue Scholar (description, FAQ, pricing, and stats) on the About page.