The science blog archive that I have started to work on (see previous posts) finally has a name: the Rogue Scholar. I picked this name because I liked the description in the Urban Dictionary.

A person with extensive knowledge pertaining to various subject matters that extends beyond formal education. This person often gathers knowledge from various sources, such as media, friends, casual reading or the internet.

And I started a waitlist for people interested in having their science blog archived in the Rogue Scholar. There is still a lot of work to do, but I hope to launch the archive in the second quarter of 2023 with these core features:

  • based on the InvenioRDM open source software, hosted by Front Matter
  • free to archive 50 blog posts per year. For larger blogs or a backfile of several years, the Rogue Scholar will charge a one-time fee of 1 € per blog post, and I have started to work on securing additional funding for this.
  • Full-text search of blog content, typically not available on self-hosted blogs
  • DOI registration for blog posts, facilitating discovery and integration of blogs into the scholarly record
  • free to read and reuse forever, using the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license
  • initially support English and German language posts

The form to sign up for the waitlist is available here.