The Rogue Scholar migration to InvenioRDM is taking shape

The Rogue Scholar migration to InvenioRDM is taking shape
Photo by Josh Olalde / Unsplash

Last week I integrated the InvenioRDM API with the Rogue Scholar API, enabling the automated export of metadata to the InvenioRDM platform. As of today, 5,046 (28.8%) blog posts have been exported to InvenioRDM and can be explored via UI and API, The export currently includes most metadata, but support for references, relations and funding information still needs to be added, as does the export of full-text in markdown and PDF formats.

There have been only minor glitches in a very small number of posts that could easily be fixed manually. The management of InvenioRDM communities for each blog is also now done via API, and includes the blog title, description, and homepage URL, as well as the automatic upload of the blog icon.

With a significant number of science blog posts now hosted by InvenioRDM, we can start exploring the functionalities the platform provides. For each blog post we display the metadata in the standard format of the InvenioRDM platform, including the field of science (FOS) following the OECD classification, the language and license, and export functions for formatted citations and metadata in a variety of formats.

In the search interface, we provide customized facets for language and subjects, and order the results by best match, publication date, or date and time the record was last updated.

The faceted search interface is an improvement over the current Rogue Scholar interface, as it makes it easy to further drill down on the results, e.g. to only show posts published in a specific language.

The same search interface is also available for communities, either all posts of a blog or all posts in a curated topic area, as discussed last week. As subjects/keywords/categories/tags are not standardized across blogs besides the OECD fields of science, they show more variety across blog communities. In the rOpenSci blog community, you can for example filter by posts about software peer review.

Since last week I have expanded the topic communities to also include the following topics, all popular with multiples science blogs:

The relaunch of Rogue Scholar on the InvenioRDM platform on November 4 is on track. There is lots of work ahead for the next three weeks, but please explore the new service and provide feedback or report bugs via email or Mastodon.


Fenner, M. (2024, October 7). Rogue Scholar learns about communities. Front Matter. as

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