The Rogue Scholar dashboard is taking shape. The statistics page has been renamed to dashboard, still linked from the Rogue Scholar footer. More work has been done to expose key indicators of the science blog archive, focussing on OpenSearch Search Facets.

The name change to dashboard was motivated by similar dashboards (e.g. THOR project, Europe PMC, Charité Berlin) that also show key indicators of metadata completeness and Open Science adoption.

Rogue Scholar Search Facets

The InvenioRDM repository platform has several built-in search facets (aggregations) that we can reuse for the Rogue Scholar dashboard: faceting by language, resource type, and subject. The resource type is always blog post, and the subject facet is currently a combination of OECD subject areas such as biological sciences, and keywords such as urheberrecht (copyright).

With little effort, additional facets have been added: affiliations, funders, rights, author identifiers, and references. Affiliations are blog posts where authors have ROR affiliation identifiers; funders are blog posts with funding information using the funder ROR identifier; rights are blog posts with license information, and references are blog posts with references (with DOI, URL, or no identifier).

The facets make it very easy to filter Rogue Scholar blog posts by one or more criteria, e.g. German-language blog posts with author identifiers from the subject area law (129 posts today). They also make it easy to build a dashboard showing this information as clickable visualizations.

You can see in this example that Rogue Scholar blog posts have excellent adoption of ORCID and ROR identifiers, but only a small number of blog posts include funding information.

More work is needed to filter blog posts by publication year, to separate keywords from OECD subject areas, and to filter by blog posts with citations. As these facets are useful for all repositories using the InvenioRDM repository software, I have started a conversation with other repositories in the InvenioRDM community.


Fenner, M. (2025, February 25). Rogue Scholar statistics page relaunches. Front Matter.

Dasler, R. (2016, March 2). Monitor the Identifier Landscape with the THOR Dashboard. Front Matter.

Europe PMC Team. (2020, February 25). Europe PMC Funders’ Dashboard. Europe PMC News Blog.

Bobrov, E., Duine, M., Kindling, M., & Taubitz, J. (2022). Wie FAIR sind unsere Forschungsdaten? Das FAIR Data Dashboard der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin.