ScienceCard is a web service that collects all scientific articles published by an author and displays their aggregate article-level metrics. Yesterday I added a mobile version to ScienceCard, simply browse to ScienceCard with your mobile phone or go to This is a first version based on my work with jQuery Mobile on CrowdoMeter, but I think ScienceCard works really well on a small screen.My ScienceCard looks like this. Further down the screen are the articles I have published and the collective metrics of these papers.

Other ScienceCard users have much more impressive metrics, both in traditional citations, and in altmetrics such as PDF downloads of papers published with PLoS:

Metrics of an individual paper (, with links to the journal and metrics (e.g. CiteULike bookmarks) look like this:

One idea behind ScienceCard is to make the collection and display of this kind of information as simple as possible. I hope this is another small step in the right direction.