The Science Blogging 2008: London conference will highlight the wide variety of science blogging that has evolved in recent years. I haven't seen anybody trying to create formal categories, but I see research blogging, conference blogging, watercooler blogging, comic strip blogging – and edublogging. Breakout session 5 of the conference is called Science blogs and online forums as teaching tools. Oliver Obst, Jeff Marlow and myself will try to organize an interesting panel discussion on the topic. Edublogging covers a wide range of topics, as you can guess when looking at these (random) science education blogs:

The last blog is especially interesting. It is hosted by Edublogs. They not only provide a hosting platform for teacher and student blogs, but also offer special features that are especially useful for educational blogging, e.g. managing and aggregating student blogs and sharing material.

My interest in this topic started when we began the Good Paper Journal Club here on Nature Network. Some questions I would like to address in the session include:

  • How are educators (professors, teachers, etc.) using blogs?
  • How are students using blogs?
  • How are science libraries using blogs?
  • Are there special features required for edublogging, e.g. team blogs, restricted access, sharing of documents?
  • Do university administrators facilitate blogging on education?

Please leave your comments either here or in the Science Blogging 2008: London forum.