This is the first of several posts by guest science blogger Alexander Knoll, who will report from the Annual Meeting of the German Genetics Society. I will be back from my summer vacation on Sunday.
Away from my usually blogging grounds at Alles was lebt at the German Scienceblogs, I want to bring you impressions from the Annual Meeting of the German Genetics Society in Cologne. We wanted to try out another way to tackle some of the problems of conference blogging, and informed all of the speakers beforehand about the blog. This way I could be informed about unpublished data in talks, and work around it with the researchers still being able to talk about fresh stuff.
In the next few days, there will be sessions about lots of different topics in genetics, from human genetics and medicine via other organisms like plants and microbes to general topics like cellular genetics and evolution. Which puts me in the hot seat, for I will have to appear knowledgable on all of these

I'm really looking forward to the flood of information that will hit me the next few days, and also to this blogging experience!
Since the blog is linked from the meeting website, I'm hoping that some of the participants will comment on their impressions as well. Note for the Twitter people: I'll also try and hit out a few tweets as @Argent23 with the hashtag #gfg09.
The following posts have appeared so far: