Version 2.1 of the reference manager Zotero was released last Friday. The biggest change for me is the support of Citation Style Language (CSL) 1.0. CSL is an open XML-based standard for citations and bibliographies. Older versions of Zotero used CSL 0.8.1, but the improved CSL 1.0 was released a year ago.
With Zotero 2.1, Papers 2 (both released in March), and Mendeley we now have three major reference managers supporting the current version of CSL. Which reference manager will be the next one? And why aren’t more journals providing downloadable citation styles in CSL format in their author guidelines?
Zelle RM. CSL 1.0 First Anniversary. Published online March 18, 2011. doi:10.59350/hm6cs-ehp54