We need your feedback: Aligning the CodeMeta vocabulary for scientific software with schema.org
Metadata that describes scientific software in standard ways – in particular citation metadata such as title, authors, publication year, and venue...
Metadata that describes scientific software in standard ways – in particular citation metadata such as title, authors, publication year, and venue...
DataCite and the FREYA project partners are proud to announce the official launch of DataCite Commons today. DataCite Commons is...
Access to some DataCite resources and services requires authentication so that DataCite knows who is making a request. This includes...
Metadata are essential for finding, accessing, and reusing scholarly content, i.e. to increase the FAIRness [Wilkinson et al. (2016)...
Today DataCite is proud to announce the launch of DataCite Commons, available at https://commons.datacite.org. DataCite Commons is...
In May, the Make Data Count team announced that we have received additional funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation...
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