Digging into Metadata using R
In the first post of this new blog a few weeks ago I talked about Data-Driven Development, and that service...
In the first post of this new blog a few weeks ago I talked about Data-Driven Development, and that service...
Four years ago I wrote a blog post about component DOIs. It is time to revisit the topic, in particular since our approach to citing data associated with a publication has changed since 2011. Component DOIs...
Yesterday Julie McMurry and co-authors published a preprint 10 Simple rules for design, provision, and reuse of persistent identifiers for life science data. This is an important paper trying to address a fundamental problem: how can...
One of the important outcomes of the Markdown for Science workshop that took place in June 2013 was a decision...
The Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS) is a NISO standard that defines a set of XML elements and attributes for tagging journal articles. JATS is not only used for fulltext content at PubMed Central (and JATS...
According to the description on the Citation Style Language (CSL) website, CSL is an open XML-based language to describe the formatting of citations and bibliographies. We use reference managers such as Zotero, Mendeley, or Papers to...
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