Zotero 3.0 Beta released, works with Chrome and Safari
The first beta of the reference manager Zotero 3.0 was released yesterday. The big news is that Zotero 3....
The first beta of the reference manager Zotero 3.0 was released yesterday. The big news is that Zotero 3....
Last week Google Scholar announced a new feature on the Google Scholar Blog: Google Scholar Citations. The stated purpose of...
Last week the first Alpha version of Annotum was released. Annotum is “a scholarly authoring and publishing platform based on WordPress”. I first learned about Annotum at the Beyond the PDF workshop in January. One of...
Three leading funding organizations today made this important announcement: The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Max Planck Society and the Wellcome Trust announced today that they are to support a new, top-tier, open access journal for...
Last Thursday the search engines Google, Bing and Yahoo announced schema.org, a new initiative for structured data markup on...
Version 2.1 of the reference manager Zotero was released last Friday. The biggest change for me is the support of Citation Style Language (CSL) 1.0. CSL is an open XML-based standard for citations and...
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