Metadata in Microsoft Word documents
Metadata such as author, title, journal or persistent identifier are essential for scholarly documents, and some of us are spending...
Tips that are making the daily life of a scientist easier.
Metadata such as author, title, journal or persistent identifier are essential for scholarly documents, and some of us are spending...
One of the major challenges of writing a journal article is to keep track of versions - both the different...
A common feature of blogs written by scientists is a listing of all their publications. Publication lists are a great way to provide background information about your research. Publication lists should provide links to the fulltext...
Last week I attended the Transforming Scholarly Communication workshop in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The main goal of the workshop was to...
Other blog posts often provide important background material for your own posts, and they are typically cited by inline links...
One of the annoyances with bibliographies as we use them for scholarly papers is that is usually unclear why a...
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