Citeproc YAML for bibliographies
The standard local file formats for bibliographic data are probably bibtex and RIS. They have been around for a long...
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The standard local file formats for bibliographic data are probably bibtex and RIS. They have been around for a long...
Open Researcher & Contributor ID (ORCID) provides a persistent identifier for researchers and lets them claim their research outputs in the ORCID Registry. I have been involved with ORCID since early 2010 and I am happy...
A few weeks ago Kafkas et al. (2013) published a paper looking at current patterns of how datasets o biological...
This paper in markdown format was written by Ethan White et al. The markdown file and the associated bibliogaphy and figure files are available from the Github repository of the paper. I used this version, an...
After the post last week and the crazy discussion that followed I would understand that you feel you have heard enough about citations in markdown. But I had the feeling last week that something was still...
In the comments on Monday’s blog post about the Markdown for Science workshop, Carl Boettiger had some good arguments against the proposal for how to do citations that we came up with during the workshop....
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